Posted: November 2, 2021
Good morning! (For all the parents and guardians, I am Abby Sullivan, the student teacher that has been working in Mrs. Woods class and will be until the second week of December). I hope everyone had a fun Halloween weekend; I can’t wait to hear all about it when we get back!
Here is what I would like everyone to work on today:
Writing:What I miss most about school is: (Make a list of everything you miss about school, then circle or highlight one thing that you miss the most and write more about it, explaining in detail why you miss it the most). If you have access to a technological device, I have attached a word document you could use to complete your writing assignment. Please email them to me at, I’d love to read them!
*If you do not have a technological device, no worries at all. Like Mrs. Woods said, please find a journal of some sort, or keep all your paper in one spot of your daily writing and we can check them over together when we get back to school.
Reading: Please listen to the story, The boy in the Drawer by Robert Munsch on Tumblebooks. When you are finished listening to the story, take the quiz.
Website: TumbleBooks - eBooks for eKids! (
(Username: nblib Password: nbschools)
Additionally, read a book of your choice for 20 minutes. It can be a book you have at home, your library book or one on Tumblebooks. When you are finished reading, please retell the story to someone at home.
*I would ask that you keep a reading log of what you have either listened to or read at home and we will go over them when we return to school.
Math:Warm up- Practice counting by 2’s to 50, 3’s to 36 & 4’s to 48 out loud to someone. Rhyme out the facts twice and try to do it faster the second time around.
Sort your Halloween candy! If you were able to go trick or treating, place your candy in groups based on similar characteristics. For example: put all the chocolate bars together, place all the chips together, place all the sour candy together, etc. Then create multiplication sentences based on the sorting that you create. Change it up and have fun with it! If you were not able to go trick or treating, use something around your house like forks and spoons to create groups and make different multiplication sentences.
Dreambox (20 minutes):you can sign in to your Dreambox account and work on your assigned lessons. Let me know if you can’t access your login information, but it should be in your ‘Home Learning’ folder.
Other ideas: Cook or bake with someone! Do a puzzle. Play a boardgame (Cards, Checkers, Monopoly, etc.)
I hope you all have a great day! Make sure to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! Build a fort, play soccer, go for a walk, rake and jump in the leaves, play with your siblings or friends are just a few ideas, but most importantly…get outside and have fun!! If possible, send along pictures of any of your creations or of you working hard today, I would love to see it. Hope to see you soon grade four!
Parents/guardians please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all! You can reach me by email: all day.
Ms. Sullivan
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