Kindergarten News Sept.11-15

Posted: September 11, 2017

 Welcome back everyone!. I hope you had a fun filled weekend with your family.

We will begin our Zoo-phonics program this week. A letter chart, and memo explaining this program will go home. You are ask to practice the action and letter sound for each letter with your child a few minutes each night.This will be a review for your children as we will also practice actions and letter sounds daily in class. We will meet Allie Aligator this week and learn about the letter "a".

Our physical education classes are every Monday,Thursday and Friday. Please dress in comfortable clothing as you will be running, exercising and playing lots of fun games in the gym with Ms. Baldwin.

Every Tuesday we will be going to the school library. Students will choose a book they would like to have read to them by someone at home. Please keep the book for the week and read it as often as you can. Return the book the following Tuesdday so that you may sign out a new library book.

On Friday, September 15th from 9-10 am., the K-2 students will be hosting their annual Grandparents' Tea. The students will be practicing songs and poems this week which they will perform on Friday. All Grandparents are invited to attend. If a grandparent is unable to attend please ensure that a family member will be present to see your child's performance. The children are very excited to have their Grandparent's visit them at school and I can't wait to meet everyone!

We will be starting our Borrow-A-Book reading program this week. A memo will go home to explain what is expected. Students are to read their book to someone each night and must sign the reading log to indicate that they have read their book. For now students will keep the book for two nights and are encouraged to read their book twice each night. Return the book in the ziplock bag and a new book will be sent home.

The chidren have been settling well into their new classroom and I am enjoying getting to know each of them. We are learning to follow the rules so that our day in Kindergarten is fun and safe for everyone!

Have a fantastic week in Kindergarten. Smile and have fun!