Kindergarten News Jan. 13th-17th 2014

Posted: January 13, 2014

Homework- Read each night * Print the word of the week. * Complete 2 writing pages in your homework book. When writing your sentences use the word sheet in the front of your book and sound out the words you are trying to spell.       Library- We have library every Wednesday. Remember to bring back the book you borrowed so that you can get a new book.           Physical Education- We have gym class every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.           Skating- We have skating on January 16, 9:4am @ the Civic Center.We will be skating with our grade 8Buddies from Mr. Keating's class.         100th Day od School-We are off to a great 2014. It is hard to belive that we have been at school for 80 days. As the 100th day of school is fast approaching start looking for things to put in your 100th day collection. Information about the 100th day of school celebrations will be sent home soon.