Kindergarten News Dec.16-- 20th

Posted: December 18, 2013

  Santa Visit- We were very surprised and happy to have a special visit from Santa at our Christmas Dinner on December 12th. The children were very excited and all smiles to get their picture with SANTA.               Please read your Borrow -A-Book each night from Monday to Thursday.                Christmas Concert- The Kindergarten children did an awesome job this morning at the Christmas Concert. Everyone looked lovely and did a wonderful job with their Christmas Alphabet, Greeting, songs Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Reindeer Pokey. The audience loved your performance and were certainly feeling the Christmas spirit when they left .                                                                                                                                                                        Friday December 20th is our last day of school before the Christmas break. This is a full day. The K-2 students have a special day planned, with a reading by Mr. Fitzpatrick of the story book, The Polar Express and then we will watch the movie. Be sure to wear your comfy pajams on this day.         I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope your holidays are filled with special moments with family and friends.  Have a wonderful Christmas break, everyone!