Kinder Korner News Sept, 26-30th

Posted: September 25, 2022

Hi there! What a weekend! It sure was a wet and messy storm, I hope eveyone faired well and have their power and little to no damage! We have a busy four day week ahead of us. Here's what is happening: 

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed classes are Tuesday and Thursday this week.Please dress in comfy clothes.

Library - This week we will visit our school library on Thursday. Students will be able to choose a book they would the like to have read to them. They will sign out the book for the week. Books are due back the following Thusday.Books will go home in a zip-lock bag and should be returned in this bag. Please review the library memo on taking care of your library book with your child. Thanks!!

Thanksgiving Meal - Pre-Orders for the Thanksgiving Dinner are due on Thursday September 29th. The cost of the meal is $7.50. The meal will be served on Thursday October 6th.

Orange Shirt Day - Our school will be honouring Orange Shirt Day on Thursday September 29th. Please wear an orange on this day to honour children of Residential Schools. 

No School - There will be no school on Friday, September 30th, in honour of the National Truth and Reconciliation Day. Every Child Matters!!

Terry Fox Walk-A huge thank you for your donations to our school Terry Fox walk. Your support has helped us continue Terry's dream of the Marathon of Hope alive.

Remember to pack your water bottle each day.

Looking forward to seeing all my little Kinders in class for our first week of Fall and our last week of September. Smile and be kind to each other!