Kinder Korner News Nov.30th-Dec.4th

Posted: November 29, 2020

Happy Monday everyone! It's hard to believe it is the last day of November and Deceember is here. Here is the Kinder news for this week:
This is a four day week of school for students.There is no school on Friday,Dec.4th, due to Parent\Teacher Interviews and PD day for teachers.
Parent\Teacher Phone Interviews will be held on Thursday Dec.3rd and Friday Dec.4th. Interview times will be scheduled for parents. An interview sheet will be sent home Mon. Nov.30th and you are asked to pick a time convient for you.Please send this sheet back on Tuesday Dec.1st, so I can schedule times for everyone. Your interview time will be sent home with report cards on Tuesday Dec 1st.
Santa Calendar- On Tuesday Dec.1st, students will be bringing home a Santa calendar and a bag of cottonballs. Your child is to add a cottonball each day to Santa's beard and when his beard is filled, Santa will be on his way to your house. You will need a glue stick and may use the one in your childs learning bag if you dont have one at home. Have fun with this activity!!!

Read your Christmas Borrow-a-Books this week. Read one book each night. Point to each word as you read. Look at the beginning letter of each unknown word, sound out letters to help identify the word. Use the pictures to help solve the word.Print your name on the reading log and return your books on Thursday.Happy Reading!!!!!

Homework Book- Please complete the sheet in your duotang and return your book on Thursday.                                                  

Rockstar Sight Word- Continue to review these words with your child. I will be reviewing words with some students this week who have their sheet signed. If they know all the words quickly, I will be sending home their second sheet. Remember, children learn at their own pace, so don't rush, they will know the words when they are ready.


Library- We have library on Tuesday. Please return your book in order to sign out a new one. We are borrowing Christmas books this week. Keep the book for the week

Phys.Ed.ClassesWe have gym class on Wednesday and Thursday this week.Wear comfortable clothing.

Christmas Dinner Pre-Orders are due Thursday Dec.4th. Please sign and return the sheet with $4 for the meal. The school is paying $3 towards the cost of each meal.

A big thank you for your donations to the food bank. We will continue to take donations the month of December and have some activities scheduled for our last week at school before the Christmas break. Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Maloney have challenged our students and staff to raise $1000 dollars for the food bank. With your support, I know we can do it!!

Have a fun week at school and a great long weekend with your familyll!

Take care everyone. Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen