Kinder Korner News May 30th-June 3

Posted: May 29, 2022

Wow what a beautiful last Sunday in May and now we are welcoming June. Where does the time go? I am excited for another fun week in Kindergarten.

Literacy-Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. You have three levelled books and a student coloured book on the Frog Life Cycle.We are exploring frogs and this book follows a frogs life.  Remember to use the pictures for cues,say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Read 1 or 2 books each night and please remember to record the book title and print your name on the reading log.Read your books each night and return them to class on Friday. 

Rock Star Sight Words- Keep up the great work with your sight words.Be sure to review, print and this week use your words to make a sentence or two.When you know the list of words quickly, return the signed sheet to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Tuesday is our library day,be sure to pack your book so you will be able to sign out a new one for the week

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to wear your sneakers, as with the nice weather, you may be going outside for class.

Math Dice Game- Play Fish Out Of Water dice game. We are having fun playing in class. Each player needs 20 counters, you can use macaroni or gold fish crackers, or any little items you have at home.The object is to take turns rolling the dice and be the first to put all 20 fish in your bowl. Have fun!!                     

Don't forget to pack your water bottle daily.

Let's have a great week in Kindergarten.Smile and be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!