Kinder Korner News March 13-17th

Posted: March 12, 2023

Hi everyone and welcome back! I hope you had a fun and relaxing March break. We have a fun week ahead with St. Patricks Day fast approaching, I'm sure we will be busy making traps to catch a wee little leprechaun or two.

Here is what's happening our first week back: 

School Fundraiser-If you have not returned your pledge money, please do soon as soon as possible.Thanks for your support.

Literacy- Please read your Borrow-A-Books each night. We have 3 books this week.Be sure to read at least 2 of your 3 books each night. As you read, point to each word and stop at the period.Use the pictures for cues to help identify the words. Read the sight words you know and try to stretch out unknown words by saying all the letter sounds you hear. Please remember to fill in the reading log each night and have your child print their name.Return all books in the borrow-a-book bag,on Friday.Thanks! 

Rock Star Words- Review your word list this week. When your child knows all words quickly, please sign (parent signature) the sheet and return it to class and I will test your child to see if they are ready for the next list. We are reviewing words daily in class and once your child consistently recognizes a few words in print, I will send a list home with them. 

Library- We visit the library on Thursday.Return your book, so you can sign out a new one.Keep your book for the week and return it the following week in the library bag.If you forget the book, please send it in the next day and I will send home the new book.Happy Reading! 

Phys. Ed. Classes - We have gym classes every Tuesday,Thursday and Friday.Please dress in comfortable clothes, ready to run, play and have fun.If the weather is nice, please be prepared to go outside for class with Mrs. Dickson.

St. Patrick's Day-On Friday,March 17th be sure to wear your green. We will be building leprechaun traps in class on Thursday. If you have any recycled materails like boxes,cans, ribbons etc. please send them in with your child.

Your Roots Are Showing- As we discuss St. Patrick's Day, we are inteested in learning about each others heritage. I am sending home a heritage sheet for you to fill out with your child. Discuss your heritage with them and have them draw a picture of a fun tradition your family loves to do together each year. Be sure to write a little note to say what your tradition is, as your child will share their tradition with the class. This sheet will go home Monday and is due on Friday the 17th.

 Water bottles- Don't forget to pack your water bottle each day.

Sooo excited to see my little Kinders tomorrow! Can't wait to hear about the fun you had during your break.Smile and have an awesome week in Kindergarten! Please be kind to each other! :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen