Kinder Korner News Jan. 4th-8th

Posted: January 3, 2021

             Happy New Year!!!!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate in your own special way with family and friends. I am excited to get the new year,2021 started and can't wait to see everyone!!

Homework this week: 1.Read your borrow-a-books. Read one book each night. Point to each word as you read. Look at the beginning letter of each unknown word, sound out letters to help identify the word. Use the pictures to help solve the word.remember to print your name on the reading log and return your books on Thursday.Happy Reading!!!!!                                                                                                  2.Rockstar Sight Words- Review your words until you know each word quickly. Once you do, have a parent sign your sheet and return it to class for your next word sheet.                                            

Library- We will go to the library on Tuesday.Students will sign out a new book to take home for the week. Return your book the following Tuesday.

Phys. Ed. ClassesWe have gym class on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Wear comfy clothes to run and play.

As we begin our first week back please read the document on the provincial MaskUp campaign.All students and staff in our building will be wearing a mask as much as possible throughout the day for the next 2 weeks.Just a reminder that students should have 2 clean mask at school every day. Please remember to also send in a water bottle for your child to use daily.We will send the bottle home each day, with your child to be cleaned. Thanks!!!

Now that we have some snow, the students will love playing outdoors.Please dress in your snowpants,coats, boots, hats and mittens\gloves.It's always good to pack an extra pair of gloves and socks in your childs book bag, just in case. Thanks!! 

It is going to be an exciting week in Kindergarten. I am sure you are as anxious as I am to see our classmates again and hear what fun they had over the Christmas holidays! 

Take care everyone and welcome back! Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen