Kinder Korner News Jan. 18th-22nd, 2021

Posted: January 17, 2021

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fun weekend.

Homework this week: 1.Read your borrow-a-books. There are 3 books, this week.Read one or more books each night. Point to each word as you read. Look at the beginning letter of each unknown word, sound out letters to help identify the word. Use the pictures to help solve the word.Print your name on the reading log and return your books on Friday.                                                                                            2.Rockstar Sight Words- The students have been doing an awesome job with the sight words. They are recognizing words more and more in our daily message. Keep up the great work, Kinders!! Practice learning your words and when you can say each word quickly, have your parent sign your sheet and return it to class.                    3.Math- play the Roll a Snowman dice game.This page is in the green homework duotang.If you do not have a dice, you may use the one in the students learning kit. Please return the dice to the bag when you are done. Play the game on the back of the sheet.Thanks!!                                          

Library- Bring your library book to school on Tuesday.Students will sign out a new book to take home for the week. Return your book the following Tuesday.

Phys. Ed. ClassesWe have gym class on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Wear comfy clothes to run and play.

As we are in the orange phase, all students and staff are wearing a mask both inside and outside and doing a  great job following this rule. When they come in from playong outside, the children are finding their mask are wet and want to change it. If you can, could you please send an extra clean mask to school for your little one to have, that would be great.Thanks!! Please continue to send in a water bottle for your child to use daily.We will send the bottle and dirty mask home each day with your child to be cleaned. I really appreciate your support with this!! Thanks so much!!!

It's always good to pack an extra pair of gloves\mitts and socks in your childs book bag, as we go outside to play each day, weather permitting.Thanks!! 

Have a fantastic week in Kindergarten!! Take care everyone!!!