Kinder Korner News April 24th-28th 2023

Posted: April 23, 2023

Happy Earth Day everyone! I hope you were able to take time and enjoy a walk, do some yard word drive your bike , go to the park, feed the ducks, plant some seeds or flowers or just be out in nature enjoying the beautiful home we share. 

This week in Kindergarten we will be working on the following;

Literacy- Please read your Borrow-A-Books each night. We have 3 books this week. Read one or two of your books each night. As you read, point to each word and stop at the period.Use the pictures for cues to help identify the words. Read the sight words you know and try to stretch out unknown words by saying all the letter sounds you hear. Please remember to fill in the reading log each night and have your child print their name.This week, please, return all books in the borrow-a-book bag on Friday.Thanks!              

Rock Star Words- Continue to practice your words this week. I am sending home a sight word game called Read for Speed. Roll the dice and quickly say the words under the number you rolled . Some sheets may have two or three list of words on the page. This is just another fun way to recognize our words quickly.When your child knows all words quickly, please sign (parent signature) the sheet and return it to class and I will test your child to see if they are ready for the next list. The children must consistently know the words each time I test them. I may suggest your child keep practicing certain words on their list, this may be because they mix up words or simply can't recall the word, it's ok to need a little more practice. The goal is for the children to be confident when reading their books, they recognize these words consistenly without hesitation, this will improve their fluency as they read. Thanks for your support.   


Phys. Ed. Classes - We have gym classes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week.Dress comfy to run, play and exercise.If the weather is nice, please be prepared to go outside for class with Mrs. Dickson.                                                                               


Year Book Orders Due- The last day to order a school year book is Wednesday,April 26th. The cost is $20.                                                                               


 Water bottles- Please pack your water bottle and bring it to school each day.                    


Looking forward to a fun week with my Kinders!!Smile and be kind to each other! :) Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen