Kinder Korner Home Learning Friday, Jan. 14th

Posted: January 14, 2022

Yahooooo!!! It is Friday and we are expecting some snow today. I hope that you can get outside to play and maybe build a snowman or two or a family with a pet. Whatever you build be sure to send pictures to share on our class page.

Today please,

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read a book from the Jan.10-14th books. Remember to point to each word, look at the pictures for clues and get your mouth ready to sound out any unknown words.Stop reading when you come to the period. Have someone read you a book or listen to a story online.

Happy New Year booklet- You should complete the work in your booklet today.Please take your time with colouring, cutting and gluing the sentence together.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. Print all of these numbers forwards and backwards in two rows besides each other. If you were to add the 2 numbers in each row together what number would you get? What did you notice about each answer? Play a Math game from either packet or play a Boom Cards game. Have fun!

Sight Words- review your sight words. Try this game.Print all the sight words from your list on a sheet of paper.Cut out each word, fold each paper and put them in a bag. Print the word Brrr!!! twice on a piece of paper and cut them out, fold the paper and put in the bag. Now you are ready to play the sight word freeze game. Play with your family, take turns picking out a sight word . Read the word if you know it you keep it , if you dont it goes back in the bag. If anyone picks the Brrr! card, all the word cards have to go back in the bag.Start again! Have fun!!

Writing-Please write a new sentence today. Tell me about something you did yesterday or plan to do today.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence. Draw a good detailed picture.Try sounding out unknown words on your own,print all the sounds you hear in the word. Read your sentence to someone. 

Home Learning Packet- Try the "at" word page today. You must read,print,colour, build and find the word "at". Can you tell someone 5 words that rhyme with at? Can you print these words on a piece of paper?

Get up and Move- do your count to 100 exercises with Jack Hartman, have a dance party or try this activity on Go Noodle, We have done it before in class.Enjoy!! 

Contact me if you have any questions,concerns or pictures to share. My email ( and school number (627-4074).  

Have a fabulous Friday and fantastic weekend, Kinders! Hugs to all, and be sure to give those who have been helping you with home learning, a big hug and thank you for all of their help this week. I know I certainly appreciate their support!!