November News!

Posted: November 24, 2015

This month, Easton celebrated his 5th birthday!  We wished him a very happy year being 5! We had our Remembrance Day ceremony at school on November 10. It was very beautiful and I think everyone present were moved by the songs, poems and speeches. We also went skating with our buddies for the first time. It was so much fun! This week, the Calthumpians will be here to put on a very special show for us. I am looking forward to seeing them perform.We are presently working on all letter names and sounds, with our manin focus this week being on the letter Jj. Jellyfish are amazing creatures and we are learning about them as well. Please keep practicing each night. In Math, we are developing number sense through games and activities focusing on numbers between 1-10. In You and Your World, we have been working on "Healthy Lifestyles" . This week we will continue to learn more about healthy food choices and how to keep germs away.Our "Book Fair" begins next week. It will run from November 30-December 3. Family night will be on December 2.Christmas dinner will be on December 9 and our concert, on the 16.Please check out the links on the right hand side of the page that will take you to some excellent sites to help with your child's learning.