Kinder News October 5-9

Posted: October 5, 2020

This is going to be a very busy week for us. Please read below to see all the exciting things we will be doing together.

*We are learning about Fire Safety and will be taking part in a virtual Fire Prevention session on Thursday morning. Today we read a story that taught us many fire safety rules. We worked on how to "Stop, Drop, and Roll" and talked about the importance of smoke detectors. Please talk with your child about how to be safe at home.

*On Wednesday, Oct. 7 we are going to the Apple Orchard. Please pack a lunch for your child on Wednesday as we will be eating at the farm. Also, we will not have access to a microwave therefore do not send items to be heated. Please dress your child for the weather. Rubber boots are an excellent idea as they keep toes dry.

*This week is Disability Awareness week as well. We will be taking part in the "Walk and Roll" challenge to show our support for persons with disabilities. 

*We are also getting ready for Thanksgiving and learning some poems that they will hopefully share with you over the weekend. 

*Thanksgiving Dinner will be served on Thursday, Oct. 8. This will be the only meal served on that day. If your child is not getting the meal, they need to bring a lunch.

*There is no school on Monday, October 12. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend.