Dream Box

Posted: October 26, 2020

Hi there! Today in your child's agenda you will see a letter pertaining to Dream Box. It tells you all the important information needed to access Dream Box at home. If you are using a browser, use this link: https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/8s78 and the Classroom Code: 51780. The children have been assigned a picture password and have already used it in the classroom. You will find this password taped inside your child's agenda cover. You need both of these to login in. 

If you are using an iPad, you can visit the app store and download: "DreamBox Learning Math" or you can go to https://www.dreambox..com/ipad. When prompted in the app use the school code: knjs/8s78 and the classroom code: 51780 where your child can use their picture password. (This is taped inside your child's agenda)

We have all logged in and played on Dream Box. The children should be familiar with the site. They can play on it as often as they like. If your child needs help, just prompt or explain it to them please resist the urge to tell them the answer. If it is too difficult, just leave that game/skill for another time and move on to something they can do.

If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. 627-4074