Posted: April 14, 2020
We will continue to review string-woodwind and brass families. I will post videos from time to time of music we listened to from these instrument family units. I would also like to move on and introduce the various instruments in the Percussion Family: Percussion instruments are grouped into two categories: Pitched (they can play an actual music pitch) and Non Pitched (they play a particular sound). If you are interested- You can 1. Click on the link below 2. Click on Learn and Listen 3. Click on Instruments 4. Scroll down to Percussion Family 5. Click on the first instrument and read the info provided. 6. Click on the image 7. Click on the music box 8. Click on the play icon and you will hear a very short sound byte. 9. Click on the rif icon just below the sound byte. You will hear a very short music rif(passage) of the instrument.
Here is the link: Have fun with this and I'll post some nice videos soon that feature the percussion family. Have a great day. TTYL!