Posted: December 6, 2018
Le 6 decembre
We wrote our letters to Santa today and I will be sending them off as soon as they are all done. We have also started working with Christmas vocabulary so you can ask your child about their favorite part of Christmas or about their letter and they should be able to respond.
Students are working on numbers 1-1000. Once they have 1-100 down pat the rest tends to come very quickly. I would never expect them to sit down and count to 1000. They could however start at 327 and count to 340 forward or do the same backwards or count from 635 – 700 by 5’s for example. They should be practicing counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s at a variety of intervals. They could randomly pick 3 playing cards from 1-9 or roll 3 die and make the biggest or smallest number possible, or make all the possible numbers they can with those numbers and order them from greatest to least or smallest to biggest. The important thing is that they are comfortable with the numbers 1-1000 and are able to recognize and write them quickly.
They do not have their agendas tonight but they should have brought home their new library books, French and English and their vocabulary binder. Their Christmas concert poem is in a sheet protector in the binder.