Posted: November 25, 2020
Read & Record
Map Test – sign – study - Students will be redoing this test until they make 26/26. We will do it again tomorrow. There are 7 students who do not need to write it so they will have the option to read or work quietly while we do the test.
Spelling – study - These are review words and again students will be exempt from writing when they demonstrate that they have mastered the list. There are 4 students who will not need to write this on Friday.
Santa Letter – finish draft We will start typing this tomorrow. They need to be in the mail by Dec. 1st.
Binder – Complete all past due work for November. The following cover pages need to be completed, title, colour and pictures demonstrating that they understand what is being covered in the unit; Social Studies, Science, Computer Lab, Wellness. This is not new work it was assigned early in November and class time has been given to finish them.
Math pg. 79 5a, b, 7, 8, 11