Posted: February 7, 2012
6H, 6P & 7M
Read 30 – 45 min.
Some students have been working on a peer reading/journaling activity and some of those students will be bringing home their novels to read to an assigned page.
Edit draft for 2nd piece of choice. Due - Feb.14th
Second book report is due Feb. 17th – The initial date for this was the 7th but I made a typing error when I sent the dates home to parents so I extended the initial due date.
Spell-A-Thon words have been passed out and students should start studying them. They will be quizzed on all words this week. Their results will be part of their LA mark.
All students need earphones for the Fast Forword program. Several students still do not have these. Their mark on this program is based on how much they complete so not being prepared will have an effect on this portion of their mark.
Math – test on Friday
SS – study notes
Science – project ready to present
Phys Ed