Welcome To Our Page
- Reading each night (can also use sites mentioned in class- Lalilo, Jelis, Boukili, Info-jeunes)
- Review/Practice multiplication tables each night
- Christmas Store items
- Food bank donations
- Return report card sheet/ Parent-teacher information
- Cookie dough orders are ready for pick-up!
- Reading each night (new books sent home today - can also use sites mentioned in class- Lalilo, Jelis, Boukili, Info-jeunes)
- Review/Practice multiplication tables each night
- Skating- this Friday (Dec 1st- 8:45-9:35) We will be leaving the school around 8:20 and returning at 10:00.
- Reading each night (new books sent home today - can also use sites mentioned in class- Lalilo, Jelis, Boukili, Info-jeunes)
- Review/Practice multiplication tables each night
- reminder for parents to complete NB Student Wellness and Education Survey
- Continue practicing to read Le Jour du Souvenir booklet
- Math- practice/review X-tables each night
- Donation for poppy by Friday
- Reading- Le Jour du Souvenir package (for this week)
- Reading each night (your child also has access to 4 online reading sites that they can use if they have read their book several times and would like a break from reading the assigned book from class:)
- Memo sent home for Student Wellness and Education Survey
- Reading each night (new book given today)
- Pumpkin contest (email pictures in by Oct 26th)
- Spirit Week starts tomorrow! (tomorrow is black and orange day or Halloween shirt)
- reading
- Walk for Wenjack tomorrow afternoon (Please, wear comfy clothes:))
- Thursday afternoon- Take Me Outside Day activity