Mr. Bosma

We can have fun, but you can't have a million dollar goal with a one dollar work ethic.

Posted: April 13, 2023

Report Card sheet signed including Parent Teacher sheet 

Parent teacher Thursday 4 to 6  Friday 8:30 to 9:30 

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due April 28

Math:   Complete  Asssignment Sheet  


Social Studies:  Get Entrepreneurship Letter Signed   * Drawing or mock up of product for Monday

Due Date: 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Posted: April 12, 2023

Report Card sheet signed including Parent Teacher sheet 

Parent teacher Thursday 4 to 6  Friday 8:30 to 9:30 

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due April 28

Math:   Complete  Asssignment Sheet  


Social Studies:  Get Entrepreneurship Letter Signed

Due Date: 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Posted: April 11, 2023

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due April 28


Math:   Complete  Asssignment Sheet  


Social Studies:  Have a Product idea or choices 

Due Date: 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Posted: April 5, 2023

Pre paid Easter Meal only meal tomorrow 

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due April 28


Math:   Complete Front Page  Asssignment Sheet  


Social Studies: 

Due Date: 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

This was an amazing opportunity and experience where all my wonderful students were up dancing with the 

Maritime Centre for African Dance troupe....

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due March 31

- Book Promos Due by Friday - Read Aloud  - Please sign up (5 per day)

Math:   Complete Asssignment Sheet  

Science: Final STEM Fair ready to Present and hand in

Social Studies: Diversity and Opening Minds Book Project due March 31

Due Date: 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Pledge Money Due

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due March 31

- Book Promos Due by Friday - Read Aloud  - Please sign up (5 per day)



Social Studies: Diversity and Opening Minds Book Project due March 31

Due Date: 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Pledge Money Due

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)     - Reading Responses Due Friday

-  Vocabulary Due March 31

- Book Promos Due by Friday - Read Aloud 


Science: STEM Fair Project Due Tomorrow 

Social Studies: 

Due Date: 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Posted: March 1, 2023

Pledge Money In by Tomorrow (Thursday) for Ice Cream Treat 

Skating this Tomorrow (March 2)  morning 

Spirit Week :      Crazy Hair/Snazy Socks Thurs.    PJ or Jersey Day Friday. 

Language Arts - Read 30 minutes (response if not done in school)  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)     

-  Vocabulary Due Thursday (March 2) 

- Book Promos Due by Friday (March 3)



Social Studies: 

Due Date: 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023




Persuasive Strategies for Success
Website Evaluation Activity Reliable Sources
6H Research D Day
Google Search and Save Challenge 3