Mr. Bosma

We can have fun, but you can't have a million dollar goal with a one dollar work ethic.


English Lanugae Arts:   Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 

Please get course syllabus and letter signed and student signed to. Return by Wednesday. 

 ** Outdoor clothes for Phys. Ed and the outdoor rink every week: Winter coats, hats, gloves and pants. 

8P and 7/8M ELA Homework: Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 

Please get course syllabus and letter signed and student signed to. Return by Wednesday. 

Due Date: 

Monday, January 15, 2024

English Lanugae Arts:   Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 

 ** Outdoor clothes for Phys. Ed and the outdoor rink every week: Winter coats, hats, gloves and pants. 

8P and 7/8M ELA Homework: Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

English Lanugae Arts:   Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 


8P and 7/8M ELA Homework: Read from your choice of physical or ditial book for 20 minutes or more. 

Due Date: 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Get permission form signed for Friday (June 16) field trip

Field Trip Tomorrow: Friday:   Please Bring: swim gear, towel, bag for gear, lunch, money for ice cream.

Language Arts 

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)   

- Get Sentence Building Post Test Signed  

-  Vocabulary was due this Thurs. June 15th - Only 4 words this time



Due Date: 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Posted: June 14, 2023

Powerplay Entrepreneur Survey

Get permission form signed for Friday (June 16) field trip

Language Arts 

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)   

- Get Sentence Building Post Test Signed  

-  Vocabulary is due this Thurs. June 15th - Only 4 words this time



Due Date: 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

** Trip to Max Aitken Spring Entrepreneur Market tomorrow - 11-1. Please bring money if you can for student items to buy and food trucks which are set up for lunch. 

Get permission form signed for June 8th visit to MA Market. 

Language Arts 

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary was due  June 15th - Only 4 words this time



Due Date: 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Posted: May 31, 2023

Language Arts 

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary was due  May 30, but needs to be complete for tomorrow for those who are not done. (May 31)  - Had more than 3 weeks to complete. 

Math:  Pg 184   4 (b, d) 5 (b,d)


Due Date: 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Language Arts 

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary was due today May 30, but needs to be complete for tomorrow for those who are not done. (May 31)  - Had more than 3 weeks to complete. 

Math:  Pg 184     4 (a, c) and 5 (a, c) 


Due Date: 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Read 30 minutes  or reading (book from school, your own book or digital book)    

-  Vocabulary Due May 30



Social Studies:  Spring Market Tomorrow, May 26th .  Please have your products, money box/container and $float.

Due Date: 

Thursday, May 25, 2023




Persuasive Argument Organizer for Grade 7 and 8s - Read instructions from this week to work on this.
Persuasive Argument Organizer
Website Evaluation Challenge - Reliable Sources
8B Website Credibility Checklist