
Posted: June 18, 2018

The next meeting of the Nelson Rural School Gardening Club has been postoned until Wednesday, June 20th at 6:30pm due to rain. 

During this meeting Matthew Trevors, Miramichi Community Garden Coordinator, will be hosting a hands-on workshop on transplanting and managing tomato plants. 

We will also be conducting our regular maintenance (weeding, watering, etc.) and discussing some exciting plans for a possible greenhouse so bring your children out to get involved in helping us grow healthy food for our school.

Posted: June 14, 2018

On Tuesday, June 12th Nelson Rural School hosted its First Annual Planting Party. This event kicked off a school wide garden project that has seen students growing seedlings in their classrooms and learning about the science behind gardening. With the help of local gardener Melanie Dickson, the planting party gave students the opportunity to transplant their carefully cultivated crops from their classrooms into the school’s recently built garden beds.

Posted: May 30, 2018

After many dedicated years at Nelson Rural School, the staff and students would like to wish a very Happy Retirement to one of our amazing Custodians Jackie McLaughlin! You will be truly missed by everyone! We wish you all the best and an enjoyable retirement.

See our image gallery for more photos.

Posted: May 6, 2018

Our grade 1 French Immersion class was nominated for using microbit coding in the classroom. Ellie and Cohen presented at the "Innovation in Education" provincial Maker Fair that was held in Memramcook, New Brunswick last week. They were also presented with an award for using technology and innovation in the classroom at the galla that was held that evening. They did a fantastic job representing Nelson Rural along with other schools attending across the province. Great job everyone!

You can go on to the image Gallery to see more pictures of this innovative event!

Posted: May 2, 2018

We ended our Spell-a-thon Fundraiser with our prize ceremony on May 2. Congratulations to all students for making this year's fundraiser a success and to all those who received prizes.  The middle school team was our top fundraisers for the first year ever and many were awarded for their efforts by being permitted to pie Mr. Bosma and Mr. Keating for raising $100.  Alex Saunders was our top fundraiser for the whole school.  Thank you to everyone for your efforts.

Posted: April 19, 2018

K-6 Students will be travelling to JMH on Monday, April 23, and Grade 7 & 8 on Friday, April 28, to watch JMH Drama club's rendition of "Into the Woods."

Posted: April 19, 2018

Spring Spirit Week kicks off this Friday at Nelson Rural School.  Here are the theme days planned:

Friday:  School Colors Day -wear burgundy and gold

Monday:  Pyjama Day

Tuesday:  Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday:  Twin Day - pick a group of friends to dress alike


Home and School/Student Council will host a dance on Wednesday, May 2nd here in the school cafeteria.  Admission is $5 and a canteen is available.

Times are as follows:

K-2 5:30 - 6:30

3-5  6:30 - 7:30

6-8  7:30 - 9:00


Posted: March 26, 2018

Due to booking issue, we needed to change our last buddy skate to Thursday this week.  Same time and groups as posted earlier, just a different day.

Posted: March 19, 2018

Nelson rural School sent 11 students to the District Chess tournament that was held last Saturday in Rexton. A big congratulations goes out to all students who represented Nelson in the District Chess tournament. Participants were Grayson Dinan, Cameron MacCullum, Lana Killbride, Ryan Barrieau, Rory Barrieau, Ben Daigle, Dustin Crandall, Parker Mullin, Garret O'Neill, Becca Seaman, Ryan Flynn. All students did a fantastic job and showed great sportsmanship.

Posted: February 27, 2018

Earth Rangers' visit to Nelson Rural School was a big success. Mark and Josh brought our animal friends:  Daisy (skunk), Maverik (American Kestrel), Kookatoo (Kookaburra), and Hook (Red-tailed Hawk) to enducate us on the importance of helping to protect animals in the wild.  The Kookaburra entertained us with its laugh, while Marverik and Hook showed off their flying skills above our heads.  It was a great presentation and they encourage all of us to become Earth Rangers.  Please take a look at the brochure sent home for more information on this program.


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