
Posted: March 1, 2019

Attached is a document released from Superintendent Mr. Donovan regarding an alert from the North American Center for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response regarding the MOMO Challenge that is circulating on Social Media.

Posted: February 25, 2019

Miramichi hosted the Special Olympics over the weekend. We had the opportunity to cheer on a team on Friday at MVHS. Our grade 2 and grade 6 french immersion classes sponsored the Acadian Pennisula Team in cheering them on during a couple of their floor hockey games on Friday. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students and staff. Our students had a great time cheering on the athletes and got autographs as well on their signs.

Posted: February 25, 2019

Just a reminder that the French Immersion Registration deadline is February 28th for the upcoming school year.


Posted: February 21, 2019

Our grade 2 and grade 6 french immersion classes have teamed up with the Special Olympics event that is taking place in Miramichi this weekend.

We have partnered up with a team from the Acadian Penninsula and will be cheering them on, on Friday while the athletes compete in Floor Hockey!

Our students have been working very hard on creating signs for all the athletes to cheer them on and support them during the event!

We are very excited to take part in this amazing event! We wish all the teams well throughout the weekend!

Bonne chance!


Posted: February 20, 2019

On Friday, February 15th, Nelson Rural School honored the National Flag at their annual Flag Day ceremony.  Grade 6H hosted the event.  Special guests included MP Pat Finnigan, MLA Michelle Conroy, and Michelle Tobin-Forgraves (district supervisor for Music and French language).  It was definitely a heartwarming event.  Thank you to all students and staff for participating, and thank you to Mrs. O'Neill-Delano for organizing the ceremony.

Posted: February 13, 2019

Nelson Rural Grade 7 and 8 students have had the opportunity to work with Fredericton recording artist Stephen Lewis over the past two months. The songwriter has shared his musical knowledge, taught us how to use our loop pedals and keyboards, and helped the students create amazing pieces with this music technology. He also shared his lyrical and poetic expertise, and this past week the students’ spoken word poetry and lyrics came to life over top of the student produced musical loops. They created their very own songwriting and music production studios.

Posted: February 12, 2019

Please note that we have extended the dates for the fundraiser because of the storm days we have had. The pledge sheets will now be due back on Tuesday February 19th and the Spell-A-Thon will be held on Wednesday February 20th.

Posted: January 31, 2019

Nelson was recently recognized as the first Heart Healthy School in the district. We accepted challenges and our student body came out on top for their efforts in the following areas:  eating more fruit and vegetables, decreasing screen time, engaging in phsical activity, and drinking more water.  Congratulations everyone.  Visitors can check out our HUGE banner in the lobby.

Posted: January 26, 2019

Just a reminder that this coming Monday, January 28th is a professional learning Day for teachers. 

There is no school for students on this day. 

Posted: January 11, 2019

Code Club was a great success this fall with students from grades 3-8. Each week, we had approximately 30 students meet for Code Club and work on programs such as Microbits, Scratch, Arduino, and makey makey projects! It was a great time for learning, collaborating, coding and expanding their knowledge of computer science.

We hope to continue Code Club in the Spring! Stay tuned and keep coding!

-Miss Hitchman


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