
Posted: April 11, 2022

Here is a few important reminders:
Report cards: report cards went home today. Please look them over and send back the response form tomorrow. Also please send the parent/teacher meeting sheet back tomorrow with your preference indicated.
The 100th day of school: a memo went home today regarding the 100th day of school. This year it will be on April 19th, the day we come back from Easter break. The students were sent home with a paper bag today. It would be appreciated if all students could collect 100 items, put them in the paper bag and bring them back for the 100th day. Please refer to the memo for further instruction.
Homework: it is very important to continue to check the students homework bags each night. This is the main source of communication between school and home. It is also important to continue to read each evening with the students and to play a math game. This will help strengthen the skills the students are learning each day!
Thanks for your continued support!!