Posted: November 2, 2021
I hope you all had a great day yesterday with home learning! I miss you all so much!
Here is your work for today! If you would like to send pictures of your home learning, I would love to see them!
Reading: Read for 10-15 minutes, either a book in their homework bag or log in to Boukili. Code is 9ki94f.
Sound of the week: Try to find the sound of the week in any words in your reading book. Write the words down on a piece of paper.
Sight words: avec, et, bon, bonne, très. Using your sight words, try to print them in alphabetical order.
Complete the "word of the day" sheet CHAT in your home learning packet.
Log in to BOOM learning, and complete a word work activity. Reach out if you need your passwords.
Students are to complete the number of the day sheet in their home learning packets. Nombre 6.
Play a card game with your family members saying the numbers in french. You can also play Va à la pêche (Go Fish) which students played in class.
Exploratory: Students can draw a picture of each of their family members including their pets on small pieces of paper. This will be used when we get back to class for our project on Family. I attached the paper on our fb group yesterday.
If you have started this, print their role below the picture:
ex: ma soeur- sister, mon frère- brother, mon papa- father, mon beau père- step father, ma maman-mother, ma belle mère- stepmother, mon grandpapa- grandfather, ma grandmère- grandmother.
Gym: Get outside and play a game or go for a nature walk!
Have a wonderful day!
Mme Hitchman