Les Devoirs (Homework) 7- 11 octobre, 2019

Posted: October 6, 2019

Homework for the week:

  • Read the sound poem “O” and the sound words 1-2 times aloud.
  • We will begin a new book on Tuesday. Students are to read their book 1-2 times aloud. *Some students will begin to bring home leveled books. Encourage them to look at the picture, follow along with their finger and read aloud.

  • Sight Words: Students will begin bringing home Sight words to practice. Every Friday there will be a quiz. Students are to read each of the words aloud at home. I will also be sending a bag of letters home with students to practice making the words.
  • Printing book: Students are to do letter B this week. Trace and write the letter in between the lines. This will help when they are writing their stories. *Some students have finished B, so they won’t have that for homework.

  • Math: We have been working on repeating patterns and counting forwards and backwards 1 to 20. Students are to practice singing the songs on the teacher page, or practice saying the numbers forwards and backwards. They also created a number rocket ship so they can use that to help with their counting.

Fire Safety Week

Monday: Gym & Music

Homework sent home,

Tuesday: Gym

Wednesday: Gym

Thursday: Library, Music\Gym

Friday: Homework returned

Show and Tell (One student will present, I will write in their agenda)