Posted: November 26, 2017
Les devoirs: Homework for this week:
- Students are to read their sound poem Ève Escargot each night this week and practice the sound "è" (There is a video uploaded on the teacher page)
- Students are to practice reading the words sent home with the poem as well, they will be doing activities with these words in class.
- Math: Any work that is not finished in class will be sent home to complete.
- Practice the Alphabet each night (Video clip on teacher page) There are also others on youtube.
- New french books will be sent home each Monday. Please allow students to read the book aloud. They can colour one star on their bookmark by the end of the week.
- Scholastic book orders: Due date for orders will be December 7th to ensure they are delivered before Christmas break.
- Show and tell: The line leader on Friday will be able to bring in something special to show and share to the class. They will know on wednesday or thursday.
- BOOK Fair this week