French Songs

Posted: September 28, 2021

Listening to French songs is a great at-home activity. Here are some of the songs and videos we've been enjoying in class. I will continue to add to this list throughout the year. As well, a google search for Alain Le Lait, or Mini TFO, will bring up a tonne of fun french songs.

Bonjour, Bonjour! - alain le lait (French greetings) - Bing video

Apprendre le français/Chanson pour enfants/Bonjour mes amis/French song for kids - Bing video

French numbers 1-100 - Bing video

French Numbers Song 1-100 | Nombres en Français Chanson: Compter jusqu'à 100 - YouTube

Chanson : L'automne est arrivé - Bing video

Mini Automne - Épisode 1 - Bing video

Happy listening, signing, and dancing :)