Homework - January 11-15 2021

Posted: January 13, 2021

Homework for this week is as follows:

Read every evening. Students may read their book from school, or choose a book from Je Lis Je Lis (https://jelis.rkpublishing.com/student/). Login information can be found in your home learning binder. 

Sight words: please practice your child's words in their pochette de mots every evening. 

Math: Gather small objects from around the house. Count the number of objects and arrange them into groups of 10. Count the groups of ten plus the remaining objects and record the result as a 2-digit numeral. Example: I have two groups of 10 LEGO blocks, plus three LEGO blocks left over. I have 23 LEGO blocks all together.


Students may also play Zorbits Math Adventure (https://www.zorbitsmath.com/). Login information is taped to the inside of their agenda, and also in their home learning binders.