Sept 22...A Few Notes

Posted: September 22, 2022

A few notes:
  1. On Tuesday, Sept. 27th, we will be going to Fletchers Farm for our first field trip. We will be walking to the farm and spending approx. 2 hours there. Students should wear appropriate footwear for walking and bring a snack and water bottle.** Please note: cost is $3 per student, which can be brought to me (Mrs Woods) on or before Tuesday.
  2. Homework consists of Reading (nightly), Study Spelling words (nightly) and usually a Math sheet (at least twice a week).
If your child does not come home at the first of the week with Spelling words and other sheets in their GREEN homework folder, please contact me. It is impossible to study Spelling and complete the sheets if they do not have them.
3. Our Terry Fox Walk is planned for tomorrow (Sept. 23) permitting. We will be walking approx. 4 km so students need to come prepared with proper walking footwear. Also, a donation may be made at school to the Terry Fox Foundation if your family wishes to do so.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Friday and a great weekend!