November 12th- Home Learning

Posted: November 12, 2021

Good morning! Happy Friday! I hope everyone took time out of their day yesterday to pause and remember all the brave ones who fought for our country.  


Here is what I would like everyone to work on today:


Writing:Imagine you had a genie to grant you three wishes. List all your wish ideas. It can be anything! Then circle your top three wishes and tell me more about each one. Why do you wish a genie would grant you that wish? As always, you can either type your writing ideas out on your technology device or you can write them down on a sheet of paper. If you wish, you can send it to me at I love reading them throughout the day! If not, just remember to keep all your writing pieces together and bring them back to school with you when we go back.


Reading: Please read a book or books of your choice for 20 minutes. Record what you read in your log. If you prefer to listen to a story on Tumblebooks, you can do that too.   

Here is the login information:

Website: TumbleBooks - eBooks for eKids! (

(Username: nblib  Password: nbschools)


Math: Warm up- think of all the ways you can make the number 36 and write them down. I want you to think of at least 10 different ways. Think of addition, subtraction, multiplication and even division if you are up for the challenge! Also, think about how you could draw this number using base ten blocks. EX: _ + _ = 36 or _ X _ = 36.  


Review 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 times tables. Think of the rule for each (EX: 0 is the hero, 1 is the mirror) and then either recite the facts out loud or write them down, or both! The more practice the better. Do whichever method works best for you.

*If you want to challenge yourself… practice the division facts.


The Snack Shack Menu worksheet: Please work on the other snack shack menu math sheet in your ‘Home Learning’ packet if you have not done so already. Remember to bring this back to school with you when we go back.


Dreambox (20 minutes):You can sign in to your Dreambox account and work on your assigned lessons. Your login information is in your ‘Home Learning’ packet.


STEAM: Please choose at least one of the following activities to work on. If you are feeling super adventurous and creative do both!  

1)    Create your own bird’s nest: Think of a bird’s nest… how do you think you could create one? What materials would you need? Make a list of all the materials you need that you can find outside in nature. Then think of how you would begin to construct a bird’s nest. What shape is a bird’s nest typically? How would you get your materials to form that shape? When you have a plan in place head outside with your list and begin your own scavenger hunt, looking for any of the materials that you wrote down. When you have collected all the materials, start building your bird’s nest. When building, think of birds that you commonly see around your home. How do you think they would build their own birds’ nest? When your nest is complete, do you think it could hold a bird? Why or why do you not think that? If you are unsure, test it out. Have fun with it! Do not give up… keep trying different materials if something does not seem to be working.         

2)     Natural animal art: Think of an animal. Now look up a picture of that animal and pay attention to the fine details of this animal. Does it have stripes? Is it small? Is it multicoloured? Does it have wings? Think of all the unique characteristics of the animal. Once you have a picture in your mind of the animal of your choice, go outside and collect any leaves, branches, berries, flowers, pebbles, etc. that you can find around your yard. The more variety the better! When you have found all the materials you think you will need, create your animal out of only those materials. You can either glue your nature materials to cardboard, or paper depending on the materials you have chosen, or you can simply arrange the materials to form that animal. No glue or paper required. Use your imagination!    


If you were not able to complete all the activities during the week, you can go back at any time to work on them.


Feel free to share any of your work during the day, you can send it to me at I would really love to see your bird nests and natural animal art projects!


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, I will be happy to help!


Have a wonderful day and weekend grade four! Hope to see you all so very soon!  


Ms. Sullivan