Gr 1 Mac take part in the Terry Fox Walk

Posted: September 28, 2012

This week we walked with other students at Nelson Rural School to honour Terry Fox.  Our class learned what a great hero Terry is and how he thought more of others than himself.  He had a dream that each Canadian would give $1 to help find a cure for cancer.  He was touched by children younger than himself who had the disease.  He decided he would try to walk across Canada, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean to make people aware of the need for more cancer research.  He started his walk in St. John's Newfoundland, but after months of walking, Terry's cancer came back.  He had made it all the way to Thunder Bay, Ontario before he had to stop. Terry's dream still goes on and the children in Grade 1 Mac became part of that dream. They walked on Thursday afternoon and brought in money from their own piggy banks to help find a cure for Cancer.