Posted: June 2, 2010
MEMO -sent home today. Please note important dates in JUNE!
8H-8M Language Arts
1. Some students have not submitted assignments that have been due for some time.
Each student has been made aware of what they owe.
2. (8M) Character sketch due Friday
3. Film (8M Thursday/8H Friday) last writing assignment will be connected to the film!
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Unit test (8H) Monday
2. Test (8M) Tuesday
7H-7M Language Arts
1. Assignments for novel work must be completed.
(refer to reminder sheet given in class-7M Wednesday (7H Thursday)
2. Title pages must be in color (see instructions that were given)
3. Pre-writing for the news article must be done. "Treasure Found"
Have an "outline" for the article (who? what? when? where? why? how?)