Posted: November 9, 2010
-Students in cadets, guides, scouts, cubs, brownies etc..Wear uniforms
-Students bring a donation for the poppies
HOODIE ORDERS - Wednesday (final orders - with payment)
-Mrs. MacEacheron will be here at the school
GRADE 8 PARENT INFO NIGHT- will not take place tomorrow night
-this will be rescheduled
8H-8M Language Arts
1. Read novel for the 15th
2. Determine exact setting of your novel for Wed. (be able to explain how clues were used)
3. Begin drafting answers to the book report questions (see Historical Fiction sheet)
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Unit test will be the 23rd Nov.
-Review sheet will be provided and tutorials are held at 12:15 (Mon., Tues., Wed.)
7H-7M Language Arts
1. Work sheets on capitalization, suffixes, contractions due Wed.
2. Read every night 15-20 mins.
7M Social Studies
1. Projects being presented on Friday!