Posted: January 19, 2010
MEMO re: "helping Hands for Haiti"
PERMISSION SLIPS Ski Trip to Poley Mountain (Gr.7-8 February 25th)
7H-7M language Arts
1. Complete the questions 1-9 for Chapter 1 for Thursday
Time will be allotted in class tomorrow to begin (and or complete) these.
2. Novel test (AR) must be completed fby Friday (Monday at the latest!)
7M Social Studies
1. Complete the note for "Newcomers" p. 30-35
2. review the terms discussed on Monday
8H-8M Language Arts
1. Read
2. Review notes and readings on "Mood"
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Complete the assignmentsp.25 (landforms) and p. 29 (waterforms)
for (8H-Thursday) (8M-Friday)
2. Quiz in second class next week.
3. Tutorials available Tues. - Fri.