HOMEWORK Tuesday April 13th

Posted: April 13, 2010

Enveolpes signed? Report card signed? Speech- final copy in?   Language Arts 7H-7M and 8H-8M 1. Two more classes of speeches to go..today's presenters were awesome! 2. Students are evaluating speakers (3 per class); this sheet is in their writing notebook with the Oratory Unit work. 3. Students who have yet to present are PRACTICING!!!   8H-8M Social Studies 1. (8H) wrote their unit test today. Complete assignment : Question on change! 2. (8M) will write their test on Monday April 19th (missed classes)   7M Social Studies 1.  Students had a project due April 12th and I have not received all projects! 2.  Have last "in-class" assignment completed for a notebook check Thursday!       (p.50-53 Understanding Poverty