Posted: November 2, 2009
Grade 8H-8M have brought samples of their writing home tonight.
There is a Writing Rubric Information package in each envelope. Parents are asked to go over the writing examples, and the rubric, to familiarize themselves with "how" writing is being scored.
Please sign on the envelope and return it (and contents)
Any questions? I'll be happy to help! Just contact me at the shool, or leave a message, and I will return your call. M. Hawkes (627-4074)
8H-8M Language Arts
1. (8M) business letter 2nd draft with heading and inside address
(8H) business letter 1st draft
8H-8M Social Studies
1. Go over unit in text for class.
Reading topographic codes
7H-7M Language Arts
1. A better copy of your descriptive poem (provide a title)
2. Work at completing work from Thursday's class
(Hallowe'en packet -homoyms, skeleton of a story)