Posted: September 27, 2015
HomeworkEach week we will have a small amount of homework that consists of a weekly spelling list, a borrow a book each night and a homework page that covers Math concepts or Language Arts concepts that the students have already learned and know how to do. So if homework takes a major amount of time there is a problem somewhere and I want to know about it so we can work together to solve it. Some families like to do all the pages in one night and others do one page per night. It is totally up to you as long as it gets done by Friday that is fine with me. Spelling- This week we are working on the short /i/ sound. There are 10 words that each student should study each night as he have a weekly spelling test on Fridays. Math - We have been learning about Patterns. There are two kinds of patterns we have been studying and the first being Repeating patterns. An example of this would be 123 123 123. The other type of patterns is called Increasing patterns. We have been working with numbers and counting in a variety of different ways and as well as using blocks and other materials. Practise at home would be helpful in all of our Math concepts and it can be fun too!!! You and Your World - We have been going over Safety rules for School especially on the playground. We have already had a few mishaps that involved our class and we hope our older grade two students will set the example of how to play and be safe from now on. Also we have learned about bicycle safety and are now moving on to learn about Terry Fox and Rick Hansen .