Posted: September 23, 2009
Our class has been very busy for the last couple of weeks working on our new program for Language Arts. It is called The Daily Five. Most of our students from kindergarten right up to upper elementary will be learning this program. The kids have decided that good readers use whisper voices or read in their heads, stay in one place, keep their eyes on their books and continue reading for a sustained period of time. As the days progress, we will be working on our stamina and reading for a sustained period of time. We will work towards good reading for longer and longer periods of time to help our kids become better readers. So far we are at 4 minutes and our final goal will be to reach 30 minutes! Each day we are successful we gain one minute. Boy who knew that reading would turn out to be this much fun!! Keep an eye on our classroom page for an update on how were are doing with building our stamina.