Posted: January 7, 2022
Dear Grade 4 Donovan Math Students:
Happy New Year! Over the next two weeks of Home Learning, please use the packet I sent home last fall, which includes the You’re A Superhero! Number Sense Math Project, and Multiplication Squares games.
For Home Learning please do the following:
- Complete one task each day from your You're A Superhero! Number Sense Math Project.
- Play Multiplication Squares with a family member 2-3 times per week. You don’t have to finish the game in one day.
- Complete at least 5 lessons per week on DreamBox.
- Remember that there are lots of weblinks available on my Teacher Page.
- Boom Cards is also an option for practicing your Math skills.
In addition, I have created a Grade 4 Math Team in Microsoft Teams, and I will be available from 10:00-11:00 am each school day to touch base and do some Math activities. If you have difficulty accessing Microsoft Teams, please see the Web Link on my Teacher Page titled How to Access Microsoft Teams.
Please feel free to reach out to me via email anytime if you have any concerns or questions at