Posted: May 20, 2020
I hope everyone is having a nice week and enjoying the heat outside, I know I sure am! Just a few things I wanted to mention...
1. If you haven't yet registered for the Virtual Olympics, it is not too late! It begins on Monday, May 25th, so fill out this form if you are interested and haven't yet! It is sure to be a blast and a fun way to get outside and stay active!
2. If any 7M families would like a copy of the yearbook, please email me and let me know as soon as possible. 6J families you can contact Mme. Yake if you would like a yearbook.
3. For the yearbook, we are looking at having a section for photos from COVID-19/Home Learning. It would be great if each family could upload a picture or two of family/siblings at home to the following link. Wearing school colours is encouraged as well!
That is all for now, thanks!