Posted: June 7, 2023
- Read for 15 minutes each night.
- Anna MacCarthy applications are due by this Friday!
- The field trip to Rogersville will be tomorrow! Please return the permission slip signed if you have not already. Don't forget to bring money for lunch at the Le Gallant restaurant, and also some money if students want to get something from Tim Horton's or the convenience store before returning to the school.
- The grade 8 banquet/social will be during the evening on June 15th, followed by a dance. Please read the green information sheet that was sent home today and return the bottom slip to me indicating the guests that will be attending with each student.
- Please send me a baby picture of your child to include in the slideshow for the grade 8 banquet. I would like these sent to me as soon as possible! These can be emailed to me at ''. Thanks!