8B Learning at Home with Mr. B April 27 to May 1

Posted: April 27, 2020

There is an Office 365 web link and my email on the right hand side of this Teacher Page under Pages.

Hello everyone, hope you had a nice weekend with your families. It was fantastic to meet with a lot you again on Friday on Teams. This week we are going to meet Wednesday at 2:30 on Teams so I can answer questions about what was on this teacher page to work on. Remember to check in with Ms. Hache’s page for Math and check the other teachers if you have time.

I will post a video by Tuesday explaining more of the activities for this week in more detail. Email me or message me through Teams with any questions.

Also, if your parents have not already (some have), ask them to send 2-3 photos to my teacher email of you when you were young (toddler to 4) for the grade slide show I am working on.

And Happy belated 14th Birthday to Ethan who celebrated on Friday!

Keep safe and stay healthy,


Mr. B

Part A: Reading:

Free Online Reading Choice Links are on Weblinks on my Teacher Page) 

Reading Expectation:  8B 30 minutes a day  (more if you wish, reading is also for enjoyment and an escape to get your mind off the world).

·       This week continue with an individual reading of a book of your choice.

·       Record notes on interesting, exciting, and what you feel are important parts of your book- Record in either a binder, duotang, on a Notes App on your  cell phone, an ipad/tablet, lap top, or what ever works best for you.

·       New This Week:  Mr. Bosma will be posting a video later this week demonstrating a book promo. There is also a PDF document called Gr. 7 & 8 Book Promo under documents (red tab) at the top of this page. You can continue to practice your 60 -90 seconds(max) book promo as audio or video. This audio/video promo won’t be due until May 15, so you have time, but can send when ever you’re finished.

Part B     Writing Expectations this Week (Monday – Friday): 

** Choose to write the best method and easiest method for writing –

Either a: Duotang/binder with paper, Notes on your cell phone, ipad, computer, Word on Office 365, what ever is the least stressful to you – Just try to save it.

1.    Research for Argument Essay: Once you have finished typing or writing down you own observations and facts for your 3 main reasons on your argument organizer now start to research web sites (USE your 2 Credibility check lists (under documents) to make sure the sites are real and strong information. You can print off or write on multiple organizers. Don’t worry about space. Use your own paper if needed. (Organizer is under documents on this page and Mr. Bosma’s example too)  Try to find at least 3 Credible and Real strong Websites.

Don’t worry about other perspectives block yet. (next week) Also, you don’t have to write your hook and thesis yet. It is only there to think about(next week).


2.    Email Mr. Bosma all the new research points added to your argument organizer and credible websites you found. You can attach the document or take a photo of what you did on paper and send that.  


3.    An Entertainment Review- Write a  5  sentence review explaining why either a Series/Show, Movie, or game is worth checking out. Use your persuasive strategy sheet (PDF sheet under documents) to help write some detailed support and reasons or why someone should check out what you are promoting.

I know this was a quick write topic before, but…..

Now: Write 5 sentences and send the review with a photo of the show, movie or game to email me to post for others to check out.  Mr. B would like to have the whole class send ideas over the next week (by the end of May 4th at the latest).

·       ** Remember when revising/editing to use STAR – Substitute better words, Take out what is not needed, Add words, sentences, or punctuation, Rearrange your writing.

·       *** Don’t get stressed about daily writing – email or through Microsoft Teams ask Mr. B questions. I will be checking in.


Email Mr. Bosma or send him a message on Teams if you have any questions.