Posted: November 12, 2018
Hi Everyone!
I hope you had a good weekend and took some time to remember our veterans, soldiers and those brave men and women who gave their lives for our country.
Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Please bring your book back so you can sign out another one.
Homework/Borrow-A-Book - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folder. Our spelling words focus on the /ar/ vowel sound and the word work activity is on this too. In Math we are working on collecting data. Use the graph to answer the questions. We are still working on the organization trait in writing and there is a writing activity on this. Remember to tell things in order and draw a picture for each part. Make sure that you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.
Skating - Our first skating day is on Tuesday November 13th. The ice time is from 10:00 - 10:40AM. Students need their skates and a helmet to be on the ice. Parents and grandparents please join us at the rink if you can.
Credit Union - School Credit Union day is on Tuesday November 13th.
Book Orders - If you would like to order a book from Scholastic, please return the book order form and payment by Friday November 16th.
Food Drive - The school has started our annual Food Drive. Please bring in an item if you can.
Have a super week!