Grade 2 News December 14 - December 18

Posted: December 13, 2015

 Hi Everyone, I hope you had a great weekend! It is hard to believe that this is our last week of school before the Christmas holidays. Please make sure you are dressed for the weather.     Christmas Concert Our school Christmas Concert is on Wednesday December 16th. The K-2 students have their concert at 12:15PM and the 3-8 concert is at 9:30AM. We hope to see you there.     Christmas Spirit Week The Student Council has organized theme days this week. Monday - Christmas Sweater/Shirt Day Tuesday - Jersey Day Wednesday - Christmas Concert                            Thursday - Christmas Hat Day                             Friday - PJ and Crazy Hair DayStudents are asked to bring in an item for the Food Bank to participate in the activities for the week.  Class Project With Texas We had a great connnection on Friday for our weekly report. The students were excited to talk with their friends again. Alexis, Anna and Rory did a fantastic job as the weather and class reporters and poetry reader.We mailed out their Christmas cards and ornaments on Wednesday. We are working on a shared writing about our Christmas Traditions.  Math We are finishing up our unit on Numbers to 100. The students have found out about comparing and ordering numbers. Make sure you keep working on counting in different ways and counting with money at home. In January we will start working on Addition and Subtraction.  Homework/Borrow-A-Book The homework for the week is listed in the blue folders. This is a review week for the spelling words. Please make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.     I would like to wish all my students and their families a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your holidays with your family and friends. May 2016 be a happy and healthy year for everyone!Have a super week!