Good Morning All!

Posted: June 8, 2020

Good Morning All!

I hope everyone is doing well! It was a dreary weekend but this week is looking good. The mosquitoes are terrible at my place! :( And they are as big as my hummingbirds!! ;)

Today's Home Learning Post will be the final for the year.  We made it!! :) I'm working on report cards, and, hopefully, I'll see you on pickup day but we're still not sure how the pickup will work.

This year, summer begins on June 20th. So, 12 more days of spring and then we are into the season of summer. I hope you and your families have a great one!! :)

Although the year didn't go as we thought it would, I treasure the time we had together in Room 144! 

Miss you! Play safe!


Ms. Hackett :)