le 10 février

Posted: February 10, 2016


5e année

·        lire pour 20 min.

·        la pratique des phrases importantes (in vocabulary scribbler)

·        la pratique l'alphabet et numbre de 30 (should be able to tell what they are quickly when pointed to randomly)

·                Spell-A-Thon (study words & get pledges)

·                les mathématiques- obtenir la signature de test

·                Partager votre cahier de vocabulaire avec quelqu'un (we have accomplished a lot in the short time we have been together, words are only put into their vocabulary scribbler after we have used and practiced them in class)

We will be exchanging valentines on Friday if yourr child wishes to do so. They may also bring in treats for the class.


Grade 6


Spelling - study spell-a-thon list, get test signed, write out corrections 10X each

Work on book reports for reading goal

Cursive Writing