8B and 8K Language Arts Class Updates - April 5

Posted: April 5, 2016

Today in Grade 8K and 8B: (Silent Sustained Reading and response - 15 minutes)

  • We reviewed finding at least one word from our reading which we were unsure of the meaning. We used the word itself, as well as clues from the sentence it was in and surrounding sentences and students wrote them down in their Word Bank section.
  • We took our new found comprehending vocabulary in context skills and used them with a Finding Vocabulary in Context Organizer, with strategies to help.
  • We then read the article Boaty McBoatface Leads Online Poll to name 200M Research Vessel  and in groups used our organizer and newly learned skills to find 3-5 words in the article and fill out the chart. We did this after Mr. Bosma demonstrated how this should work with the chart. 
  • Tomorrow: We will complete this activity and determine the most important 3 paragraphs of the article.
  • We will also recognize strong and weak speaking traits after demonstrations by yours truly - Mr. B.

Homework/Reminders:  Read 30 minutes, log and respond.  

  • All persuasive argument/essay rubrics are to be signed as well as Reading Notebook/Binder rubric to signed.